What are Air Plants?
These plants are called Air Plants. Their true name are Tillandsia. The reason why they are nicknamed "Air Plants" is because they get the majority of their nutrients from the air around them.
What are they and how do you care for them?
Whether you are a pro when it comes to these little beauties, or a novice learning about them for the first time, this is a great place to start.
These low-maintenance plants are the perfect little companions for home, work or school. They require very little up-keep, and are a nice green addition to brighten any setting regardless of the season. You can also find a plant that perfectly matches how much light they will receive.
When you first receive your Tillandsia Air Plant, you should soak it for 15 minutes, and then allow for it to dry completely, while upside down. Give it a gentle shake while upside down to ensure that there isn’t any trapped water in between the leaves.
As soon as it is fully dry (not cool to the touch) then you can simply flip your plant over, so it's right side up, and place it into its new home.
It is natural for the smaller bottom leaves of your air plant to dry up while in transit. It is also okay to remove them, as long as you are gentle with the plant while you do so.
W A T E R + C A R E
You should water in accordance to the weather. Mist and soak more often if it is hot and dry, and less often when it is cold, dark or damp.
Larger varieties like to be soaked, and smaller varieties do wonderfully with just a good thorough misting.
Generally, the best way to care for them is to have a 15 minute soak once a week. The summers have been a little drier, so I have been soaking them once a week for about 30 minutes. And once every other week for 30 minutes in the winter time.
As always, allow them to dry completely before placing them back into their home, to avoid mold.
They should not be placed in soil, and they love bright, indirect sunlight, or artificial light, and require good air circulation.
A good tell for whether or not they are thirsty is the curvature of the leaves of your Air Plant. They will curl inwards as they are getting a little too dry.
Their roots are only there for anchoring them as they grow, but are not necessary to maintain, and can be trimmed down with clean, sharp scissors without harm to the plant.
If the tips begin to dry out, it is a sign that they might be getting too much direct sunlight or are a little dry. You can also clip the dry tips with clean scissors. You should then remedy the care by moving it out of direct sunlight or increase your watering or misting.
Q U E S T I O N S ?
If you have any other questions about Air Plant care, please check out my Air Plant Dating Profiles by clicking on the button below!